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Embedded Image for: Demographics (201561812586217_image.jpg) Albert Gallatin Area School District is located in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. It is named after Albert Gallatin, the former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and founder of New York University.

It serves the boroughs of Masontown, Fairchance, Point Marion, Smithfield as well as German, Springhill, Georges, and Nicholson townships.

State of the Art Facilities

Total number of schools: ..................... 9
Elementary Schools (grades K-6): ...... 6
Middle Schools (grades 6-8): .............. 2
Senior High School (grades 9-12): ...... 1

2012-2013 Student Enrollment

Total enrollment K12: ............3,790

Middle School:..................... 897
High School:........................1,178